Once Upon a Time in the Midwest...

That's where my story begins, as a little girl sitting in a wooden chair at her grandmother's massive kitchen table. Surrounded by the comforting scent of fried chicken and the warmth of her grandma's laugh, I was first captivated by the magic of storytelling. It wasn't just the everyday stories themselves, but the way they unfolded and how the words painted pictures in my mind. Initially a chore, reading became my passport to fantastical worlds and hidden truths. Even forced essays couldn't extinguish the spark ignited by the tales on faded pages.

Fast forward, and the little girl with ears wide open and a head full of stories is now a full-fledged storyteller based in Philadelphia. But the core remains the same – the desire to create stories that stay with you. Just like the ones 

Beyond the Page: A People Watcher's Paradise

My love affair with stories extends beyond the written word. I'm a professional people-watcher, mesmerized by the tapestry of human experiences that unfolds daily around me. This curiosity, which has been present since I was a child, spills over into my work as a writer, producer, and actress. 

Welcome to My World: A Window into the Quirks and Chronicles

This is my little corner of the internet, where I share not just the professional chapters of my story, but also some of the everyday snippets, the musings on a perfectly timed "East Coast minute" (my unit of time, you see!). Here, you'll see the world that fuels my imagination and the stories I tell.

Also, Feel free to use the contact form here to say hello or maybe even create something unique together.